Writing for the next ten days without posting

Why? Well, there is a competition I tripped over with a glorious prize that includes the publishing of a book. So my goal is 100 poems in 10 days, those unposted on the web, because that counts against you, even if you are relatively unknown. The censorship ensures something new to read, but I have so many I wish I could send. For the cheap cost of $25 to $50, you can enter and enter different contests until your checking account cries “HOLD.” My account always seems to cry hold these days.

I want to be published. I lean on the windows of libraries, wishfully seeing myself in a display. One must enter, though, to find a means to be seen. My website, offline during the political recovery the last three years has suffered, is now back in the forefront. It will take time to regain my followers, and that is understood. But for a brief time, I must leave you again. Wish me well. The writer in me is sliding out to pay ball in the competitions. I hope I have the luck and skill the Nationals had with the World Series. I hope to score a home run.

Ann WJ White, aspiring….

The Leibster Award

The Liebster Award
Posted by Whiteawjwords@wordpress.com Image 7-28-16 at 3.12 AM
Imagine my surprise this morning/late night, when I was cleaning out my spam folder which wordpress so kindly fills for me, to see myself nominated for the Leibster Award. Writtrace.wordpress.com  has been one of the writers that I enjoy on a daily basis. Her writing intrigues me. So, I’m very happy to let her know that I accept her nomination. I’d also like to thank all of the new people and the old people who come and read what I write. Thanks so much.

WritTrace left me 11 questions to answer.
If you could give one power to every human being, what would it be?

The power to be kind.

According to you, which five countries should everyone visit?

Oh, so many places. Costa de Maya Mexico, Prague Czech Republic, Budapest Hungary, All cities in Germany, London England but there are so many more. Tokyo Japan, Vietnam, Barcelona Spain. I love travel and think it is the best way to open your eyes and heart to new people and traditions. I’d love to go to South Africa too.

What is your favourite animal?

Shiba Inus, the smallest breed from Japan and one of their National Treasures

Which period in history would you love to live in?

Here and now

What is your favourite story of all time?

Anne of Green Gables

Who is your role model and why?

My mother, Dr. LEBJohnson is my role model. She was the perfect mother for a small child, nurturing the four of us with attention and love. She let me be independent and make mistakes, but was willing to help me if I needed help. She pursued an education when I had entered high school, earning her BS, MS, and PhD in six years total. She supported my father after a series of strokes and did it with love. She ran Marathons starting in her late fifties and only giving up when the doc wouldn’t give her a warranty on her hip replacements if she went back to running. She’s still working and volunteering at age 80 1/2. She’s a great photographer. She’s a supporter of LGBT, women’s rights, civic responsibility. I can never reach her level, but I know I won’t give up. THat’s the most important thing she taught me, never giving up.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Things I read influence me a lot. Things in photographs, things overheard in public transportation that make your mind twist. I also belong to a Writing to be Published Class. They inspire me to give things my highest level of attention. They also keep me honest about editing. I haven’t posted any excerpts yet, but I will in the future.

What is the craziest thing you hope to do in future?

I want to publish a book that is well received by the public. I have two in the works and a poetry book sitting on the side of my mental percolator. Then I want to drive from Virginia US all the way to the bottom of Argentina taking photos and writing all the way.

What do you hope to accomplish in life?

I’ve been a musician, soldier, banker, mother, teacher and day care provider. I’ve worked sales. But all of these jobs have infused me with a desire to leave the world a better place than I found it by being kind and loving. So now, to keep the brain going and the enthusiasm full charge, I am writing 5 to ten hours a day. I want to take any extra proceeds after I pay off my debt load and buy up student loan and medical bills and forgive them so others can have a second chance.

What is your favourite quote?

If a messy desk is the sign of a creative mind, what is a clean desk the sign of. Einstein

How would you change the world for the better?

I would buy up bills that have been sold for a minimum price and forgive the debt so that young families who are overwhelmed, students who have to move home so they can pay off the horrid debt, and medical bills from those suffering from medical bills that are causing them to lose everything. I’d send a lovely card, with a paid in full/keep for your future records. I’d sign it, “From one human to another”

I’m supposed to nominate up to eleven other bloggers that I admire:



Springstart@life : Kamakhya@thenewleaf2016



Elan Mudrow@skillreader






If you choose to accept the award…
Thank the blogger who nominated you
Answer the 11 questions I gave you
Nominate up to 11 other bloggers yourself (preferably those with fewer than 500 followers, this is more of a newbie award)
Provide those bloggers with 11 questions of your own for them to answer
Don’t forget to put the Liebster Award sticker on your blog!
And here are the 11 questions for my nominees!

1.What is your favorite thing to create?
2.What do you want people to learn about you?
3.Who is your favorite author?
4.If you could do one thing to make the world a better place, what would it be?
5.How does visual art impact your writing?
6.Do you ever try new styles of creativity?
7.Have you ever met a person who impacted you in a positive way the first moment you met them? Who?
8.What animal would you be if you could be anything?
9.Where have you traveled in life?
10.What is your favorite way to waste time?
11.If you had do overs, what would you change about your past?