
Ann White was born in Bloomington, Hennipen County, Minnesota in 1957. She holds degrees from The College of St. Benedict and Marymount University. She’s been a musician, soldier, bank teller, store clerk, daycare provider, teacher and more. She worked for Prince William County Schools and began volunteering with children’s events: Daisy Scouts, Brownies, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, GradNight, after school clubs, Patients Like Me and more. She enjoys reading, writing, photography, embroidery, crafting, painting and tries to stay out of too much mischief. She retired from teaching due to Multiple Sclerosis. Living in the Northern Virginia area, she and her husband have two grown children, two shiba inus, and a long haired cat.

11 thoughts on “About

  1. hahaahaa, best tweet of the day!!

    The world of words has always fascinated me. Photography gives me the clues to remember my thoughts so that I can continue to add experiences to my writing.

    Poetry has been my way of thinking my whole life. Those thoughts began to be placed on paper at the age of 12 and continue to the present. Some of the writings are based on my life, some are totally of my imagination or a moment in history that I have sifted through to find where I stand on a happening.

    I believe in humanity, in kindness, and in the fact that sooner or later the world must follow in suit. We’ve made a lot of progress and there isn’t as much difference between all of us. Some have things, others have integrity, and the lucky ones have enough to share and to share wisely. I grew up in Minnesota in the 1960s, in a social democracy. If your neighbor had a need or concern, you did what you could to help. If a child in your neighborhood had never gone to camp, someone always asked if they wanted to go to the “lake” as part of their family. School focused on making us understand poverty and the responsibility of us to learn and change what we could. We were given outstanding opportunities which, for me, included studying conducting with the Minnesota Orchestra’s Henry Charles Smith and the opportunity to play with the orchestra for outdoor concerts. This was followed by a four year stint in a private catholic college, the College of St. Benedict, where I learned music performance, tolerance, determination, and hope.

    I’m a veteran of the US Army, having played with both the Sixth Army Band at the Presidio of California and the First Army Band at Ft. Meade, Maryland.

    I taught for 11 years in public schools and 2 years in a private Quaker school. I learned more from the students I taught than they learned from me. But it was a close race.

    I had to retire early because of Multiple Sclerosis. It’s given me a chance to travel, photograph, and write. I’ve met a lot of people and enjoyed listening and learning about new things.

    My husband and I have two dogs (both rescued shibas) and a female cat named Frankenstein who was found beneath a lawn mower. She’s a curious cat, now permanently inside and safe. Animals are the closest givers of unconditional love and are active participants in our family life.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. We are similar in many ways. Including birth year and average time in beginning to ‘write’.
    We aren’t to far in location either…me SE, PA. Hope you didn’t have to much grief from Snow Storm Stella.
    Thanks for stopping by my piece from June. I do have more ‘up beat’ pieces…


  3. Nice to see you doing what you love best. I need to get back to this writing thing, and it won’t be long. Major changes in my life and I will be back in action with fingers flying across the keys. Liked Old Man Lost. A little twist on Daniel Webster and his favorite nemesis. Stay in touch.


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