Cee’s Oddball Challenges:Looking for a Hard Day’s Knight And Ann’s an Oddball


It’s been a hard day’s night, and I’ve been sleeping like a log. Yes, I’m borrowing these words. After the week we’ve all had, a Knight is what we need to save the spirit, the body, the soul and to snare the sneaking dragons hiding in our cardboard boxes.

It hasn’t been easy, but the spirit of the fight is still in me. Mother dragons are like that. We always find a way to come back from the outside. Since yesterday I didn’t know where I was or when I was, I’ve come a long long way. I picked out a car that I will buy so I can go to therapy, it’s lovely. A 2017 Mint colored spark with a black interior, back up cameras and has been crashed tested by my mother so it’s safe. I’ve read all of the new material on nutrition that they gave me at the hospital. I’ve worked on healing the bruises that the hospital put on ever spot on my body and I’m looking a bit like the dragon below. I’m just a little more scaly and blinking in the bright light. Sleep all day and feel almost normal. Tomorrow is the calling of the dragons, I mean doctors, for new appointments.

I don’t think I will ever go back to an emergency room no matter what the docs recommend. The Techs were great, the nurses swarmed around non-stop, but the docs in this particular employment situation called hospitalers didn’t have the experience with me as an individual and didn’t make contact with my regular doctors. There was only one who interacted with me as if I were important enough to actually meet, the rest blew me off. “You want to go home, don’t you?” Yeah, but I’d also like to know who I am, why I’m there and what is going on. Yesterday morning I didn’t know any of that. I thought I was part of the Mars Exhibition. Either that or I was back in the US Army, or was that band camp. Never went to band camp, but it would have fit the picture. SO here’s my photo. I’m the oddball and off into a new week we go.
